
Showing posts from August 9, 2016

Compare Children Books's Author.

Walter Crane Walter Crane was children’s book author and illustrator in the 19 th century. His art style was influenced by Japanese wood blocks and colour prints as he was studying wood engraving.  Crane’s style is more towards rich colour and decorative.  (, n.d.). Maurice Sendak Maurice Sendak, the legendary children books author. Most of his artwork was influenced by his childhood; it was filled in grief and horror as his extended family was killed during The Holocaust. It affected him a lot and he started to isolate himself to others. When he was twelve, his family and him went to see Fantasia and it cast very deep influences in him so he decided to become an illustrator after the movie ended.   (Famous Authors, n.d.) Compared to Crane’s fantasy based story, Sendak’s story based is much darker. “I refuse to lie to children, I refuse to cater to the bullshit of innocence.” Says Sendak. (Brockes, 2011) most of Sendak’s painting, h