Visual Book.

About my design.
I've been thinking my book title for days, "Facere" was the first name I thought of. It means "Create" in ancient Latin. But after a while I think it was the best to called it "Wear The Art", because it's much more easier to understand. My concept is combine historical painting into fashion and promote about history of art. To me, history is very important because they're the start of designers. I make it into more like a magazine style because it'll look more stylish.

My book.

Book Cover











Ideas & Research.

When first idea came into my mind was "Fish". Because fish to me is a animals that represent sadness. They only had seven second memories and no ones knows if they cry because they're in the water. (not in science way) So I wanted to do a sewing book that are made by cloth and stitches, but it was too hard for a beginner and I don't have enough time to done so I decided to change my idea.

First idea.

So I did some research on Photography and I thought that maybe I could do something that can raise people's awareness so I start looking for something that like "women being judge". After I confirm what to do I found that I couldn't find any model because the photo and feelings I wanted to bring out was too open for some people, so I changed my idea again, yes again.

I'm quite into Fashion Design's stuff, so I did some research on that topic and I found that collage might be a very interesting idea. 

Research image.

Image from Pinterest.

Image from Pinterest.

Image from Pinterest.

Image from Pinterest.

Image from Pinterest.

During the process.

At first, I couldn't find any model and I was very panic but soon, my friends decided to help me so the photo shooting going on well. Due to the time problem, I didn't make it to book a studio, then I decided to do the photoshoot at a white wall in Sunway University and used the natural light and the effect turned out very good. When I'm making my book, I tried to used craft method to collage and I found it cost a lot of money so I changed to used photoshop, it turned out better than I thought. Although the content I used photoshop, but I still did a lot of handcrafting such as the model background and binding.

While doing book cover.

First edition of my book cover.

Experimenting craft method.

Experimenting craft method.

Experimenting craft method.

Experimenting Photoshop. 

 Experimenting Photoshop. 

Experimenting Photoshop. 

 (Didn't get to record the final version of my book, so here's the first edition.)
Thats all. :)
