Internet Culture.

Choice of Essay:

  1. Investigate a major controversy that unfolded online. Discuss its relevance to creative professionals.
  2. Cyberspace is vital for protecting and spreading democracy. Explore this question its effectiveness.
  3. How did mobile devices change the way people use the internet? Consider its consumer impact and relate them to a specific creative industry/profession.
  4. Compare and contrast how two different communities or social groups use a specific social media platform. Which of the two groups has more to gain from it and why?
  5. Malaysians are so uncreative that they cannot even make 'dank' memes. Argue for or against the statement.
  6. Identify a figure who is generally known to have played a major role on the internet. Evaluate if his/her contributions are justified or mythologized. 

From all of the topics above, I would like to do more research on topic number 3 and 6. The reason why I chose this two topics is because I found this two topics are very interesting, and I want to learn more about the topics I have chosen. 

I will update the research that I did on the next post before I decide which topic to be my final choice.
